About the Artist

Among the world’s finest color realism artists, no one separates themselves from the pack quite like Eric Machado.

From animals to portraits and much more, the Brazilian artist’s work provides a vivid and accurate representation of the actual subject matter, delving into textures and details that takes true expertise to show, regardless of medium. 

But just because Machado is an expert in color realism doesn’t mean everything comes easy. In addition to executing flawless color realism tattoos, Machado also knows all too much about the often chaotic life of a traveling artist. Originally hailing from a small city in Brazil, he spent years shifting back and forth between Brazil and the U.S. (primarily Southern California, at locations such as Newport Tattoo and The Raven and the Wolves). While some artists may have given up and simply chosen to launch a career in their native land, Machado was dedicated to becoming the best artist he could be — which he felt would only be possible in the States.

Having learned a variety of tips and tricks from his American colleagues, Machado focuses on keeping a high-contrast style with heavy blacks that allow the assortment of colors to pop off the skin while also remaining vibrant for years to come — an issue many other color realism artists struggle with. 

Now working as a solo artist traveling the globe, Machado’s world-class tattooing skills can be seen and obtained in Brazil, the U.S. and various other countries throughout the year. Check out his upcoming tour dates on his Instagram and email him to book the next time he’s near you.